The Good News in the Bible

A Brief History of the Message of Justification by Faith Since 1888 (Part 2)
William Diehl

If you have not read the book, "E. J. Waggoner: The Myth and the Man", you may find this thoroughly researched and documented biography of Waggoner corroborates your analysis of the pantheism in Glad Tidings and many of Waggoner's other articles. You are absolutely correct in stating that the 1972 edition of Glad Tidings was edited (by Robert Weiland) to exclude most of the obvious pantheism sentiments. It you read R. Weiland's book "In Search of the Cross", you will see that he takes a very similar mystical view of the cross as Waggoner does in his post-1888 theology. Also in common with Waggoner, R. Weiland teaches that our Lord had a sinful human nature and that the final generation will be as sinless as the Lord was. The teaching confuses the pleading and calling of the Holy Spirit (prevenient grace) to all men, with the infilling and baptism of the Holy Spirit of the believer. Only the believer is "in Christ" personally and unto personal justification. The unbelieving world is offered eternal life "in Christ" if they repent of their sins and believe in the atoning sacrifice the Lord made for "all" and for the "many" Rom 5:15.

Notice Romans 5:18-19

"Therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man's righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous."

Paul is saying that "justification unto life has come to "all men" but notice that Paul places their personal justification in the future tense when he states in verse 19, "many will be made righteous." In the Gospel we proclaim the good news that "in Christ" provision for the forgiveness of sin has been made for all, and all are offered eternal life and justification through faith in our Lord's atonement for the sins of the world at the cross. But we also proclaim that to be personally justified, all sinners must personally be "in Christ" to receive the benefits of the vicarious death and imputed righteousness of our Lord by personally believing in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being baptized for the remission of sin. Thus when we proclaim the Gospel, we proclaim that provision for "all" the sin of "all" the world has been made by Christ's death on the Cross, and then we invite and urge "all" to personally trust in that provision, to call upon the name of Jesus as Savior and Lord and repent of our sins by asking Him to forgive us of our sins. Those who do not repent and believe are lost because they call God a liar; they do not believe and hence blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.

Confusion abounds in the writings of Waggoner and many today are still wallowing in the same confusion, and thus are partaking in the "Omega" of apostasy from the gospel of the Protestant Reformation and justification by faith in the doing and dying of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon the cross of Calvary.