The Good News of the Judgment

The "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" and the Protestant Reformation in the Judgment Hour
William Diehl

Evangelical Christians believe that what is meant by the "restoration of the sanctuary" in Daniel 8:14 is the recovery of all of the truth of the gospel that was committed to the apostolic church. The "little horn" of Daniel 7 and 8 has sought to cast the truth of Jesus Christ as our merciful High Priest and mediator in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary "to the ground" and cause the world to look to an earthly mediatorial service of an earthly man-made false priesthood of the Roman system of the "mass".

The Protestant Reformation was raised to call all the world out of this system of apostasy to faith in the heavenly mediation of our Lord Jesus Christ where He presents us as faultless before the Law of God, covered by the imputed righteousness of His perfect sinless life and atoning death upon the cross of Calvary.

Part of the Protestant Reformation is to proclaim the true Law of God, as He wrote it, which includes the true Sabbath day of the fourth commandment. The true Gospel of Christ and the true Law of God must be fully restored and recovered before the end comes.

Another aspect of this restoration of the truth is the truth of the literal 6 day creation and the exposure of the lie of Darwinian evolution.

Also to be recovered in these last hours of time is to be the truth of the resurrection of the body as being the blessed hope of immortality for the believer, not the "immortality of the soul" and not the salvation of merely the "soul" of man without the body.

All the world is being called out from the lies of the "false prophet" of the false systems of salvation unto the final remnant movement which will "keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus". We believe that the Protestant Reformation is a God ordained movement established at the end of time to finish the full recovery of justification by grace alone through faith alone in the sinless life and atoning death of Jesus Christ alone.

Protestants believe that the heavenly sanctuary is where our Lord Jesus Christ mediates for His people here on earth. As our great High Priest who has passed through the veil into the very presence of the Father for us, He presents us faultless before the throne of grace in Him. Because He is sinless, we who put our faith in Him are accounted as sinless in the merciful reckoning of God. He ever lives to make intercession for the people of God who call upon His name.

We must see that it is the true gospel that has been taken away from the people of God and a false gospel put in its place. The truth that Jesus lived and died for us and presents us faultless before the throne of God has been trampled under foot by the apostate one, the Man of Sin, the Lawless One, who has come into the temple of God, the Church, and placed a false gospel in the place of the true gospel.

In the papacy and all other false religions Man's holiness has replaced Christ's holiness as the basis of salvation. Human perfection and Man's perfectibility has replaced Christ's perfection as the sure hope of acceptance with God and the promise of eternal life for the church. In other word's, "sanctification" has usurped the gospel of justification by grace alone through faith alone in the imputed righteousness of Christ alone.

Thus the Protestant Reformation was raised up to purify the true evangelical church of all the pollutions of the Antichrist of the apostate pseudo-Christianity of the medieval Christian church. The final cleansing and rediscovery of the gospel has begun with the purging of the dross of Legalism and Antinomianism from the church of Jesus Christ. This is fulfilled in the final remnant Restoration movement which restores the harmony of the Law of God with the Gospel of Christ. Thus the Protestant reformation has been raised up to restore all that the Man of Lawlessness has taken away.

The Law of God is being restored as the perfect standard of righteousness by which in letter and in spirit all will be judged. The gospel of justification by grace alone through faith alone in the imputed righteousness of Christ alone is being restored as the only hope for all the fallen sons and daughters of Adam to stand faultless before the Law of God in Christ Jesus. All that the Law demands has been met in Christ. Those who trust in His completed work in His doing and dying for them are presented as complete in Him and ready to meet the Lord in peace for He is our peace who has passed beyond the veil for us.

The great truth of the "Day of Atonement" is being fully restored by the final Evangelical movement. Christ our great High Priest is once again being uplifted as the hope of the church just as He was the hope of the true apostolic church of the first century. In spiritual "Babylon" this hope of Christ as our High Priest on the Day of Atonement has been replaced by an apostate "papal" priesthood which claimed to "speak" for Christ but was in reality speaking for the Dragon and the Beast and the Image to the Beast. Now all who are in spiritual Babylon are bidden to "come out of her my people" and look to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary where the "blood of the everlasting covenant" once again is seen to plead our cause before the throne of grace.

The dark night of Babylonish captivity has come to an end and the final decree has come forth to call us out of the land of our enemy to rebuild the desolate temple of God.
All things are ready in Christ, come unto the marriage! All that we need has been set before us in the crucified and resurrected Christ.

Are we sinless enough? Yes, in Christ Jesus we stand faultless before the glory of the Law! His grace is sufficient for all. Even the vilest repentant offender and the lowliest of sinners may enter by the new and living way through the veil of Christ's perfect life and His atoning death upon the cross of Calvary.

Where is boasting? Our boasting is in the perfect sinless life of our Savior. In what shall we glory? Lord forbid that we should boast save in the cross of Christ our Lord.

This is the true meaning of the full recovery of the everlasting gospel that was committed to the Church as the "faith once delivered unto the saints". The apostles had the full gospel of the "Day of Atonement" and the final evangelical movement in these last days of earth's history is ordained and called of God to recover all that the Mystery of Iniquity has taken away and supplanted with an apostate gospel of salvation by infused righteousness.

All things are ready in Christ. Come unto the marriage! There is no reason to say we need more time to get ready, because in Christ we are now ready for the final day of the Lord.

Even so come Lord Jesus. We are complete in you.

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