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The Mail Room Letters from Volume 34 Welcome to the Mail Room for Present Truth Magazine! This is where we post some of the interesting letters which we receive from our viewers. All of our viewers are invited to E-mail us your comments and views and we will post these views for all to consider! Stop the Rot I am a missionary of the Plymouth Brethren. In England they are known as Christian Brethren. Our leading theologian is F. F. Bruce, of whom you will have heard. And I may add that in England our leading men have discarded the Scofield Bible and dispensationalism generally many years ago. We have, as you point out, given dispensationalism to the evangelical world, and I feel guilty whenever I see a dear Pentecostal brother with his Scofield Bible under his arm. I see that dispensationalism is still very strong in North America, as in Ireland, New Zealand, etc. I do what I can to stop the rot. Repudiation Your publication has been a challenge to my theology (being from a strict dispensational background) and my life. Although Present Truth hasn't transformed me into a strict Calvinist, it has been a contributing factor in my repudiation of dispensational theology. I find that, in the final analysis, we can gain much from both theologies—not because synthesis is the answer, but because I find the Bible to be much more inclusive than either of these theologies (both having much good to offer; each losing much due to blind dogmatism and rationalism). Better Than College You have helped me build up a Christ-centered theology and have taught me more about systematic theology than I ever learned at college. Cluttered While Present Truth and some of your readers do not agree with dispensational teaching, I am still grateful for your magazine. My faith in the Lord and in the Word is such that neither Present Truth nor Scofield will hinder my access to heaven. I pray that both will help me understand the Way and continue to help others along the Way, which, I might add, has become greatly cluttered with theology.
I would like to express my thanks for the profound influence which Present Truth has had on my theology since I first started reading the magazine several months ago. Having become thoroughly disenchanted with my own experience-centered Christianity, I had found myself having difficulty studying the Bible when all I saw was how far short I fell of what God wants me to be. Since reading your magazine, I have begun to look at the Bible from a whole new perspective, attempting to trace God's provision of His own righteousness to believers in both the Old and New Testament. My wife feels much the same way. Dangerously Shallow I always find your magazine interesting, though the approach strikes me as sometimes odd. I pastor a small Baptist church, although I am personally non-denominational in viewpoint. Your eschatology has caused me to examine my pre-millennialism in light of God's Word and to hold it more intelligently. In short, you help me to see how Christians on the other side of orthodoxy (i.e., non-Fundamentalists) think. You are correct that too many of us preach a gospel that is dangerously shallow. "New Testament Eschatology" I have just completed reading Present Truth on "New Testament Eschatology." This material is a must for every minister. The Christ event as that which fulfills the Old Testament promises and prophecies was very well presented. But the finest aspect was that the Christ event enfolds what is to unfold at the eschaton. Christ-centered, Christ-inspiring! To me, that issue could be summarized as the "schoolmaster" (Gal. 3), driving us to Christ. Please continue to fill that roll. The Priesthood of All Believers I appreciate your magazine and look forward to each issue. I would certainly be interested in seeing some articles on the doctrine of "the priesthood of all believers." Blackmail? I will be glad to resume my contributions as soon as you repudiate your issue on "Election." Aggressive Stand It seems that, more often than not, the presentation of your material comes under fire rather than the material itself. As a regular reader of your magazine, I really appreciate your stand, and not only your stand, but the strength of it also. In a day when indecision and lack of commitment seem rampant, your stand is most refreshing. Hard Time From indications, the true believers in justification by faith and imputed righteousness are in for a hard time.